We often see clients in therapy who started looking at pornography at a very young age, but we are seeing an increasing number of young adults who can’t self-regulate their porn usage.

With the prevalence of smart phones amongst children (almost 70% of children have a smart phone by the time they are 12) it is more important than ever to talk to your children about pornography and sexting.

Children are exposed to pornography in a way no generation has previously been before. In a recent survey of more than 1,500 teachers, around two-thirds said they were aware of pupils sharing sexual content, with as many as one in six of those involved of primary school age.

We understand that having this difficult conversation may seem like walking a tightrope, but it you do not speak to your children they will learn from their friends anyway.

Here are some useful links for how to speak to your children about pornography, online safety and sexting:

Childnet – Have a conversation 

NSPCC – Online safety 

UKCIS – Social media guide