Professional psychologist doctor holding clipboard and filling medical patient information consulting his depressed patient
Why Understanding Trauma is Vital to Overcoming Sex Addiction

Recovering from sex addiction involves overcoming the behaviour while also addressing the underlying trauma that fuels this behaviour. Trauma, in various forms, can perpetuate the cycle of sex addiction as those struggling continue to seek relief with compulsive and out-of-control ...

Therapist makes notes as the client talks sat in a therapy suite.
Can Intensive Therapy help with addiction and compulsive behaviours?

Innisfree Therapy is a private clinic based on Harley Street in London. Our tailored Intensive Therapy Programmes helps those with Porn and Sex Addiction (CSBD) quickly take control of their lives again.  What are the Innisfree Therapy Intensive Programmes? ...

Man sits on the floor resting against a wall, hands covering his face in anguish
In-person and online sex addiction therapy

We won't sugar coat it. By the time you decide to work with us you are likely to be experiencing one of if not the hardest moments in your life.

Dark screen of a mobile phone screen viewed over the shoulder of a man about to make a call
Why choose Innisfree Therapy?

In a world where mindfulness, performance, wellbeing, coaching and therapy services are being offered every which way you turn, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with choice paralysis just at the very moment you have decided to seek help. So ...

Hands tearing a divorce document in half
How to avoid Divorce Day

A newer and less enjoyable tradition which follows the Christmas and New Year festivities involves an apparent surge in the breakdown of relationships. The exact date isn’t clear, but either on the first working day after New Year, or ...

Detritus from a New Year's party
New Year: New Start

The New Year is traditionally seen as a time for renewal, a time for improvement and hope for the future. As the excess of the Christmas holiday season comes to a close, it can be a time for a reflection ...

Christmas decorations strewn across a table
Christmas opening hours 2023

The Innisfree Therapy clinic will have revised opening times over Christmas and New Year.

Two comfortable chairs next to a table in a warm and bright therapy room.
Weekly Relational Trauma Psychotherapy Group for Women (November 2020)

For Women who have been impacted by their partner’s Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder (CSBD) At Innisfree Therapy, we recognise the need for specialist support for women with partners who are presenting with compulsive sexual behaviour disorder (CSBD), formerly described ...

Waving the children goodbye

As we wave our children and teenagers off as they head back to school and university, we should take time to think about ourselves and how our relationships have changed this year. If you spent time on Instagram this summer ...

The power of Zoom

t has been 6 months since the world learned the words Coronavirus and Covid-19. At Innisfree, we think the word of the summer should be Adaptability, as our clients have had to adapt to carrying out their work,  family events, and ...