Recovering from sex addiction involves overcoming the behaviour while also addressing the underlying trauma that fuels this behaviour. Trauma, in various forms, can perpetuate the cycle of sex addiction as those struggling continue to seek relief with compulsive and out-of-control behaviours. Sustainable change can be achieved by processing the underlying trauma, providing a future that is free from destructive behaviours and emotional overwhelm.

At Innisfree Therapy, we empower you with the knowledge, therapy and resilience to reclaim your life. 

What is Sex Addiction?

Do you find yourself dedicating a significant amount of time preparing for, participating in, or recovering from sexual activities?

Have you repeatedly tried to control or entirely stop your sexual behaviours, but you simply couldn’t? 

Despite facing negative consequences, do you persist in engaging in your sexual activities?

Compulsive Sexual Behavior (CSB), often termed as sex or porn addiction, is a frequently misunderstood condition that manifests through uncontrollable impulses to engage in sexual activities, such as the use of pornography, prostitutes, webcams, casual sex, and other behaviours, despite the distress and negative consequences these actions may bring. 

Those struggling with sex addiction often find themselves trapped in a web of secrecy, leading to a deception-filled double life and straining their ability to maintain genuine intimacy and relationships. This relentless cycle isolates sex addicts while plunging them into a deep well of pain and shame, making it imperative to address not just the behaviours themselves but their underlying causes.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. A World Mental Health study found that more than a third of the one-hundred and twenty-five thousand individuals surveyed had experienced some form of trauma.

In addition, statistics from the group highlight the detrimental impacts trauma has on individuals, with “1 in 10 people expected to experience PTSD at some point in their lives”. 

Those who have experienced trauma may struggle to cope or make sense of what has happened, leading to various complications, including:

  • Relationship problems
  • Trust issues
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as compulsive sexual behaviour and alcohol or drug abuse, to cope with unpleasant memories, feelings and emotions related to the trauma
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)

Innisfree Therapy’s Unique Approach

At Innisfree Therapy, we proudly stand out as a unique therapeutic approach with our tailored intensive programmes that weave together addiction, trauma, and psychosexual theory into a cohesive approach aimed at addressing sex addiction.

Unlike conventional therapies that may stretch over a more extended period with gradual progress, Innisfree Therapy’s method is designed for rapid, transformative change. Clients experience significant advancements in understanding and managing their behaviours within four weeks, a timeline notably shorter than the typical duration expected in standard therapy settings. This expedited process is central to Innisfree Therapy’s commitment to facilitating swift and sustainable healing.

The Role of Trauma in Sex Addiction/Compulsive Sexual Behaviour

Trauma plays a significant role in Sex Addiction/Compulsive Sexual Behavior (CSB) by acting as a driving force behind the compulsive patterns observed in individuals. Often, those struggling with sex addiction have experienced trauma that affects their emotional and psychological health, leading them to seek comfort or escape in sexual behaviour.

This relationship creates a cycle where the sexual activity serves as a temporary relief from trauma-related distress yet reinforces the addictive behaviour, making recovery complex without addressing the underlying trauma.

To effectively treat trauma, it’s necessary to understand the role of trauma in the development and continuation of sex addiction. Innisfree Therapy understands that trauma underlies many instances of sex addiction, driving individuals towards these compulsive actions as a dysfunctional coping mechanism. 

Trauma’s Impact and the Process of Healing

The scars left by traumatic experiences can significantly decrease self-esteem, disrupt the capacity for intimacy, and damage the ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships. These effects create a fertile ground for sex addiction, as individuals may continue to seek out compulsive sexual behaviours in an attempt to escape emotional pain, only to find themselves trapped in a cycle that further isolates and harms them.

Innisfree Therapy facilitates healing through a process that emphasises the importance of identifying and addressing trauma. This journey begins with intensive engagement through a combination of individual and group therapy sessions designed to halt distressing behaviours and quickly uncover their underlying causes.

Following this initial phase, a step-down approach is adopted, gradually reducing the intensity of therapy but continuing to support the individual’s path to recovery. This method allows for a tailored experience that addresses both the symptoms and the roots of compulsive sexual behaviour.

Why Trauma-Informed Care Matters

Without addressing the underlying trauma, addiction therapy and treatments only offer temporary relief. Our integrated model, which encompasses addictions, trauma, and psychosexual theory, illustrates the necessity of trauma-informed care. This approach aims to stop the damaging behaviours and, more importantly, to address and heal the root psychological wounds, thereby offering a path to lasting recovery and transformation.

Trauma-informed care is crucial for effectively treating sex addiction because it targets the root causes rather than just the symptoms. Innisfree Therapy’s success in achieving sustainable change demonstrates the efficacy of trauma-informed care. By understanding and healing the trauma, we help our clients gain control, achieve lasting recovery and improve their overall well-being.

Innisfree Therapy logo over summer clouds

Seeking help from Innisfree Therapy’s specialized programs is crucial to transformation, recovery, and a healthier future.

Innisfree Therapy is Ready and Waiting to Help You

Understanding and addressing trauma is essential for effectively overcoming sex addiction. Treatments that focus solely on symptoms may not lead to long-term recovery. CSB programs which prioritise trauma-informed care, have shown success in creating sustainable change by addressing the root causes of compulsive sexual behaviour. Seeking help from Innisfree Therapy’s specialised programs is crucial to transformation, recovery and a healthier future.

With decades of combined experience in specialised therapy and counselling, the team at Innisfree Therapy understands the needs of those who have undergone traumatic experiences in their lives and is dedicated to offering specialised support for individuals, couples and families navigating the recovery journey from sex addiction.

Our therapy is rooted in the fundamental belief in each client’s inherent ability to heal and maintain a healthy sex life. We focus on empowerment through the cultivation of self-compassion, the development of meaningful relationships, and the exploration of a renewed sense of purpose in life.

If you’d like to talk to us about our approach to treatment or how we can help you or a loved one with sex addiction, please get in touch with us.