Rob shares his view on the recent changes to the Obscene Publications Act.

I am rarely shocked anymore, but can still be surprised by what people find sexually arousing or enjoyable and with the advent of the internet, the choices, variety and intrigue have become endless. The law was not keeping up with changing attitudes to sex and obscenity and this change in law provides clarity to what can be confusing enough.

Some of our clients have found themselves crossing a legal line that they were not necessarily aware existed. With clarity comes the opportunity for healthy choices and I think it is unlikely that clarity will result in an increased use of illegal porn or an increase in illegal behaviour.

The increased debate and discussion that this change in law invites can only be healthy. There are many people out there using porn to enhance and facilitate healthy relationships and having a good time. It is only when there are negative consequences to porn use that we find individuals and couples presenting for treatment at Innisfree Therapy – having clearer laws is helpful for us all.

You can read about the changes to the obscenity laws here.

Rob Watt – Managing Director