We’ve had an increasing number of clients contact us to say their porn use has increased during lockdown and either they or their partner are becoming concerned about how long they are spending viewing porn.

One of the main questions we are often asked is when does viewing porn become a problem?

The below definition explains that if your porn use if adversely affecting other areas of your life, then you may have a problem.

‘The pattern of failure to control intense, sexual impulses or urges and resulting repetitive sexual behaviour is manifested over an extended period of time (e.g., 6 months or more), and causes marked distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.’

At Innisfree we work with compulsive sexual behaviour to help you regain control of your life and relationships by providing a safe, containing environment.

We offer a range of therapeutic services designed to support you.

You can read more about porn addiction here